all stainless steel spiral to handle plastic food trays in a wet production environmentThis week Ryson will be shipping an all stainless steel spiral conveyor that will handle plastic food trays in a wet production environment.

This Ryson Spiral is equipped with a stainless steel motor and IP69K inductive proximity sensors with IP69 cables. The spiral also has a center line divider and an inner guide rail to create two lanes in the spiral. The foot pads are the leveling kind and are also constructed of stainless steel. This unit also features stainless steel bearings suitable for wet applications.

It could optionally become  a full wash-down spiral conveyor by using our proprietary solid lube bearings instead. The Ryson product line offers two versions of stainless steel spirals that are suitable for wet environments. This article will better explain the different stainless steel options.

Our integrator partner on this project is Kleenline Conveyor Systems.

All Ryson Spirals Conveyors are available in hybrid versions suitable for wet environments or stainless steel versions for washdown applications. For more information on Ryson Spiral Conveyors that can be used in a wet environment, visit our spirals page, or read blog stories on our stainless steel models to help figure the right spiral conveyor model for the your application.