Ryson Split Lane SpiralThis week we ship a space saving split lane spiral to a major food manufacturer.

The Ryson 1700-600 Spiral model is not only a space-saver because of it’s small footprint (7’-11” diameter), but the end-user has combined two production lines into one split lane spiral, saving money and additional floorspace.

The spiral has a center divider creating the two lanes in the spiral, delivering sealed cartons at a rate of 300 per minute from an overhead conveyor (8’-9”) to the floor level for case packing.

Ryson’s all-stainless steel design allows the spiral to operate in a wet environment and the spiral will ship pre-assembled, reducing site implementation time.

The integrator on this project is Bastian Solutions. For more information on the Ryson Spiral Conveyors, visit www.ryson.com. You can also read more split lane applications on our weekly blog.