
Pack expo eastThis week Ryson participated in Pack Expo East which is a new regional show.

It was nice to connect with customers and integrators that might not not be inclined to visit the Pack Expo shows in Chicago or Las Vegas.

We made a very good showing and were recognized in the Pack Expo East Show Daily. They feature exhibitors having a great impact at the show. The photo (courtesy Show Daily) shows Steve Dillaman and Jerry Piggott in front of our signature show spiral.

This is a very busy show season for Ryson. We will be at Expo Pack in Guadalajara, Mexico and PROMAT in Chicago – both in March. We will also exhibit at the MHEDA convention in April and at FISPAL, Sao Paulo , Brazil and Expo Pack, Mexico City in June.

For more information on our vertical conveying solutions, please visit our website: