Spiral Lowerator to Side Transfer Empty Glass Bottles at a Beverage Plant

Ryson Spiral Lowerator for Bottling PlantThis week we shipped a spiral lowerator to a beverage Company that found us at PackExpo Las Vegas.

They had an application where they needed to get empty glass bottles from their high-level depalletizer down to the filler level. We specified our Narrow Trak spiral model 2100-230. It features a wider-diameter that allows the tall empty bottles to convey down the spiral at a safe decline angle.

This spiral lowerator has a 7 foot elevation change and is built to ship fully-assembled to the site. It will run at 75 feet per minute, delivering bottles to the filler single file at a rate of 180 per minute.

The Ryson Narrow Trak Spiral’s modular design allows it to be configured for either side transfer or end transfer. The side transfer configuration allows you to minimize the gap between the spiral and the discharge conveyor. In short, this assures a smooth side transfer and product flow.

You can also read more information about our line of Narrow Trak Spirals, or check out some resent application stores on them in our weekly news blog. Ryson’s LinkedIn page is also a great place to get in contact with members of our team. Check it out and follow us!