Ryson Spiral Conveyors in Packaging LineSpiral conveyors have several advantages over traditional incline conveyors. These photos show how a series of Ryson Case Spirals are used to streamline the packaging area of a winery.

The  first two spiral conveyors lift the product overhead to clear aisle space and provide an open space for traffic and storage options. An incline conveyors’s footprint would have taken up considerably more floorspace.

The second series of spirals lowers the product and provides transportation to either a bundler or palletizer. This gives the customer ultimate packaging flexibility, un-clutters the conveyor footprint and streamlines the packaging process.

If you have any questions or have an application in warehousing or packaging that would benefit from a spiral conveyor, please fill out our form for more information. The integrator on this project was our sister company Apollo BV.

Spiral Conveyors in Packaging Line
Ryson Spirals can be used to create aisle space and more operating area compared with a traditional incline conveyor.