Ryson welcomes Factory Acceptance Test visits from our integrators and their clients because it builds a confidence in our brand and equipment even before they take delivery.

Factory Acceptance Test Visits
Ryson Integrators and their customers are welcome to factory acceptance visits.

This week we hosted Mike Kedvesh, from our Integrator partner, Bastian Solutions. Mike and his customer traveled to our Yorktown manufacturing plant to inspect their spiral conveyor prior to delivery to their North Carolina Facility.

Our Factory Acceptance Test Visits start off with a review of the project and the spiral conveyor details, including a review of key mechanical and controls integration details. We review the important preventive maintenance procedures and go over the installation and start-up checklist with members of the client’s engineering and maintenance teams.

One of our PMMI Certified Trainer technicians will also take the time to walk them through our recommended maintenance procedures. We know that a Ryson Spiral properly integrated and maintained will be a reliable machine for a long time.

Ryson takes customer service and support very seriously. For more information about our Factory Acceptance Tests, contact your Ryson sales representative. You can also learn more about our vertical conveying solutions on in our website or  read more FAT visit stories on our weekly news blog.