In addition to vertical transport with a small footrpint, Ryson Spiral Conveyors can also used to create aisles without disrupting product flow. As you can see from the photo below, two spirals are used to create an uninhibited thoroughfare for forklifts.
Farmacias Guadalajara is a major distributor of not only the pharmaceutical products that are inherent to a Pharmacy, but has become synonymous with providing a large line of daily products throughout their local store network – personal care, food items, snacks, etc – and are often referred to as ‘Mini-Supers’. To handle such a demanding load, FG has established several major distribution centers in key locations throughout Mexico. The distribution facility in Monterrey serves the hundreds of local stores in Northern Mexico on an ‘as-needed’ basis and is serviced by multiple trucks arriving and leaving daily to meet the demand.
A modern distribution layout must maximize its floor space and flow. The RYSON spirals are used to convey products up and down within the rack system, but also have become critical in creating aisles to provide essential access to the various products on the racks. These and other RYSON spirals in the facility form a network of interconnecting conveyor systems to provide modern solutions to an ever-demanding world.
For more information on Ryson’s Vertical Conveying Solutions, please visit, or watch our product overview video.