Ryson Modular Design Saves the Day with Last Minute Design Change

The Ryson modular design enables a large degree of customization. This feature is what allows spirals to be built with various heights, pitches and speeds with few unique parts. This feature is also beneficial when modifications need to be made after the spiral is built.

Ryson Modular DesignThe following example is a real-world example of how this feature was used to save the day.

Wednesday night: We get a call about 6:00 pm from our integrator, who’s just stood up our new spiral at the end-user’s facility in Ohio.  The Integrator realized he’s made a mistake and mistakenly quoted and signed the approval drawings for a spiral with a discharge height of 12’-6”, when he really needed 10’-6”. The spiral was shipped complete with a full Nema 4X control system and the line was being installed, with line start-up just days away.

Thursday morning: Our service and engineering departments went to work and figured out how we could field-reconfigure the spiral to get his correct elevation. We overnight new recon details to the integrator on-site.

Friday morning: Our technician arrives at the facility and reconfigures the spiral and helps with the start-up of the spiral, while training the end-user’s maintenance staff.

This is a true story, no names were mentioned to protect a project engineer and save his reputation with his customer.

For more information on the features and benefits of the Ryson modular design Spiral Conveyors, visit www.ryson.com, or read more installation stories on our weekly blog.