The Ryson Modular Design can make an installation much simpler.

In this example, we shipped a spiral to Toronto Canada for our Integrator partner, George A. Wright & Son. Their client, a medical laboratory testing facility, is implementing a conveyor system utilizing the spiral to go from one floor to another.

Ryson Modular Design -Sections for shipping
Example of a Ryson Spiral Conveyor that is shipped in two pieces to aid in installation.

The project required a floor penetration and for ease of installation, the spiral was shipped in two sections. The upper portion will be rigged up through the slab opening and the lower section slid under it. The millwrights, under the supervision of our service tech, will splice the center column and track sections back together. The chain assembly was shipped separately to minimize the weight of the two sections for ease of rigging.

The Ryson modular design enables us to modify our standard models relatively easily for applications like these. If you would like more information on Ryson Spirals, and their modular design, please visit You can also read more Ryson installation stories on our weekly blog.