The Ryson Demo Loop was the Star of our booth and attracted attention throughout the show.In Case you missed us at Promat last week in Chicago. The Ryson Demo Loop was the Star of our booth and attracted attention throughout the show.

Ryson was video interviewed by DC Velocity Magazine, allowing us to show off our impressive demo loop that highlights many features of our High Capacity Spiral Conveyors, including induction and diverting out at intermediate elevations. It is very illustrative of how our Spirals are used in a multi-level warehousing or order-picking operation.

In the Video, Steve Dillaman, Vice President Sales,  points out many of the features and benefits of the Ryson Spiral and illustrates how it is typically used in the warehousing and distribution industries. To watch other videos from Promat, visit .

Once our Demo Loop is shipped back to Ryson, it will serve as a product testing unit. That allows us to send videos of prospective customer’s product running on the spiral, which helps ease concerns and answer questions about how smoothly their product will be handled.

For more information about Ryson’s Multiple Level Spiral Capabilities, visit, download our Multiple Infeed/Exit Brochure, or read applications Stories on our Weekly Blog.