Redesigned Slat to Help Customer With New Product Line

New Slat Design: The following is an example of how the constant product improvement program at Ryson helped one of our customers handle a new product on an existing Spiral Conveyor.

Ryson Case Spiral with new slat

A major soft drink bottler recently introduced new shrink-wrapped bundles of miniature carbonated beverage cans in their Puerto Rico plant. They began experiencing handling issues on our spiral conveyor because the product was smaller than the product the spiral was originally designed for. The small footprint, light weight and slick bottom surface of the product all contributed to challenges with keeping the load from skewing during it’s trip up a 18 foot tall spiral at 200 feet per minute and 70 packs per minute.

Ryson Slat Design

In working with them, we developed a new slat design for our 12” and 16” wide slats. Instead of having two friction inserts on the slats, we introduced a design with four friction inserts. This added more gripping strength over a larger area of the load carrying surface, accommodating the smaller packages.

One of our technicians installed the new slats on the spiral, and the customer was pleased with the results. For more information on Ryson Spirals, Visit