Most people think that the primary advantage of using spirals is to save space and increase throughput, but often overlooked is the advantage of the Ryson Spirals are their low cost of ownership.

Ryson low cost of ownership Old Ryson Spiral ConveyorThis week we were contacted by an integrator working on a Kansas Bakery site where some existing Ryson Spirals were installed. One of them was built and shipped back in 1999.

The photo below shows this all-stainless steel wash down machine, still running strong after 15 years. The 2 HP motor saves energy and is all that is required with our proprietary rolling friction chain-slat belt. Only a handful of wear and tear parts were purchased over the 15 year time span. The still-operational spiral has seen three different ownership changes at the plant.
Our equipment is put into production lines in manufacturing operations that demand 0% down time, and this is a great example of the reliability that we’ve become known for. For more information on Ryson Spiral Conveyors, visit