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Custom Spirals can Help Reduce Implementation Costs

Ryson Spirals can be custom designed to include an extended infeed/outfeed that allows a perfect fit in a line layout. This can simplify installation and help reduce implementation costs by eliminating the need for small adjoining conveyors. Since the extended infeed/outfeed is part of the spiral itself, no additional motors are needed.

Custom Ryson Spirals can Help Reduce Implementation Costs
The Extended infeed/outfeed option can reduce the number of ancillary conveyors in a product-flow layout.

Next week, we’ll ship this spiral for our Integrator partner, BluePrint Automation. It is one of three model 1300-400’s going into a new packaging line. One of the benefits of our product line is that our design allows us the flexibility of extending the lower part of the spiral (the infeed in this case) away from the spiral in lengths up to 20 feet.

In this application, our integrator was using this extension to allow him to place the spiral in the ideal location on the plant floor and the extension saved him from having to build a separate section of conveyor to feed the spiral from the case packer. Because the extension is driven by the spiral’s motor, it will also save him in energy and implementation costs.

For more information on how Ryson Spirals can help reduce you total cost of ownership, read the details on our Spiral Conveyor Page, download our product line brochure, or read more application stories on our weekly news blog.