Custom Spiral Options: Every Ryson Spiral is made to order. Each spiral is built to our customers specifications, including infeed height, elevation change and angle of incline, to name a few. We we also offer many more non-standard options.
This week, we shipped a spiral that had several custom options. Mechanically, this model 1500-400 spiral features a custom infeed angle to better fit into the customers layout. The spiral is also equipped with the safety prox switches pre-wired to a terminal box. In addition to the chain tension and motor overtorque sensors, optional retro reflective sensors were added at the in and outfeed of the spiral to detect jams.
When a spiral is installed in the field, prewiring options can save time and money. Custom angles can potentially save even more floorspace and can solve line layout challenges in a tight space.
If you would like more information on custom Spiral options, visit and request information on our form. You can also read about other custom applications on our weekly blog.