Ryson High Capacity Spiral Conveyor Factory Test
Tall Ryson Spiral undergoing a factory test outdoors.

All Ryson Spirals undergo a factory test prior to shipment. Our test procedure includes verification of all operating functions and recording the motor amperage and temperature under running conditions.

This week we have a slight challenge in that the spirals being tested are taller than our building and needed to be tested outdoors. This order includes 12 High Capacity Spirals 33 feet tall, going to a distribution warehouse in Pennsylvania. The spirals are equipped with our new high speed induction conveyors and our new diverter mechanisms, allowing the customer to feed products in and out of the spirals at 3 intermediate picking levels.

The integrator on the project is Vargo Integrated Systems, Inc. For more information on the Ryson High Capacity Spirals, intermediate induction levels, or application examples, visit www.ryson.com