Mass Flow With Lane Divider
High Capacity Mass Flow Spiral Conveyor With Lane Divider to Run Two Production Lines at the Same Time

This week we shipped one of our new high capacity mass flow spiral conveyors with 20″ wide slats to Lindy’s Italian Ice’s production facility in North Carolina. The spiral will convey cups of Italian Ice from a spiral freezer down to the floor level. 

This application is interesting in that the cups come out of the freezer with two different flavors at the same time, which need to be conveyed in separate lanes. The two lanes are fed on to the spirals’s extended infeed which is equipped with a center lane divider ensuring separation of the two flavors in the spiral decline. The products are then discharged from  both sides of the spiral’s extended outfeed and conveyed to separate cartoners.

This spiral freezer and associated mass flow vertical conveyor enabled the customer to increase the production rate drastically. By using 2 lanes within one Ryson Spiral they also significantly reduced the cost of equipment.

Because of the size of the 2300-500 model high capacity spiral a stepped-deck flatbed trailer was used to ship the spiral. One of our Yorktown-based technicians met the trailer at it’s destination to supervise the unloading and set-up of the spiral, which took a day and a half.

The 20″ wide  slat mass flow model can handle capacities up to 2,000 bottle cans or jars per minute are also available in powder coated carbon steel, stainless steel and washdown versions. For more information on Ryson’s High Capacity Mass Flow Spiral Conveyor, please visit Our integration partner on this project was Garvey Corporation.