Ryson offers many conveyor transitions options that allow ideal solutions to pretty much any conveyable item.

Once loads are on the spiral conveyor, they don’t move relative to the slats so transportation is very reliable for loads of all types and sizes.  Most challenges for handling products on the spiral occur at the conveyor transitions, — the infeed to the spiral and the discharge from the spiral.  The load is unsupported as the slats return around the sprocket and a similar situation occurs on the adjoining conveyor.  This is especially critical for smaller or flexible loads.  Ryson has several methods of improving these transitions.

Standard Transition with 30mm and 40 mm Rollers:

Conveyor Transitions with Rollers

The Ryson standard transition utilizes a pair of idler rollers at both the infeed and outfeed of the spiral.  One roller is 40mm in diameter and the other is 30mm in diameter.  Each roller is adjustable to fine tune a smooth and reliable transition. This is an ideal solution for most boxes, packages and totes.  The rollers can also pop out of their mounts to reduce the risk of damage or injury.


Marbett Plate for Smaller and Delicate Loads:

For smaller and lighter loads, special transition plates with tapered dead plates and small integral rollers provide an even smaller gap. They help flatten the surface of the transition. However, this is usually not suitable for products with loose edges like bags or pouches and very large heavy loads.


Close Couple Options:

Either of these two options can be provided to support the loads to the end of the spiral transition frame or they can be supplied for “Close Coupled” transitions.  With “Close Coupled” transitions the frame of the spiral is modified to allow a “nose over” adjoining conveyor to come inside the spiral, reducing the length that is unsupported.


Powered Rollers:

Powered Roller Conveyor TransitionRyson can also provide a powered roller at the transition.  This helps to ensure that the load does not “stall” as it goes between the spiral and the adjoining conveyor.  It can also help to ensure that flexible loads like bags do not travel with the slats around the sprocket and create a jam.

Ryson’s modular design allows these options to be incorporated into the transitions. That way we can provide the best transition for the loads being handled.  These transitions can even be retrofitted in the field. It can be helpful if the spiral is repurposed or the loads change. Watch some application examples on the Ryson YouTube Channel.