New Ryson 1300-500 ModelWe are happy to announce that we have a new model in our Spiral Catalog. The 1300-500 is a new model that has similar functionality to our 1600-500, but is built on a smaller frame.

The 1300-500 means that the footprint has gone from 7′-4.5″ to 6′-6″. It may not seem like a big change. But when you are fighting for every inch on your manufacturing floor, it can make a big difference.

This model 1300-500 was designed because we are finding that many companies are replacing older solutions with our Spiral Conveyors. Some of the units we are replacing have a smaller footprint. This small change allows us to offer a better solution that uses the exact same footprint. Therefore the need to reconfigure ancillary machinery is avoided. It’s just a simple pull and switch.

1300-500 Size comparison

The Spirals pictured to the right are the first 1300-500’s that we have built. They also have some unique features that will aid in their application. They will be conveying 50 lb sacks of powder in a very dusty environment. So to help with cleaning, special perforated under cover plates, powder-coated load arms and stainless-steel side guiding was specified.

Our conveyors are quickly becoming recognized as a top solution for vertical conveying. They offer reliability, consistency and have an outstanding up-time record. Their low maintenance, long efficient up-time record – and the fact that they can be field modified to meet emerging line changes – gives them a very low cost of ownership over time.

You can find out more about our Spiral Conveyors on our very own YouTube Channel.