With the high demand in the e-commerce world after the start of the pandemic, Ryson has seen a spike in warehousing order intake for our Wide Track Spiral Conveyors. Shipping larger spirals on a flatbed (lowboy) can minimize disassembly needed to comply with trucking regulations.

Shipping Larger Spirals on a Flatbed

This week we shipped another set of spirals to one of our integrator’s customers in Washington State.

These 3000-900 Wide Track Spirals can handle products as long as 60” and as wide as 34” and can handle weights up to 150 lbs. These spirals are part of our High Capacity product line that can start and stop fully loaded with a maximum weight of 3,600 lbs. and reach speeds up to 200 fpm. They are capable of elevation changes up to 35’ with a single motor.

Most of our models can ship fully assembled, and fit in a truck – saving implementation costs, but due to this model’s large size (13’ in diameter), these units shipped partially disassembled on a flatbed. There is supporting documentation on how to load and unload these units that can be found on our installation and integration section of the Ryson website.

The e-commerce industry is facing a great opportunity for growth and Ryson is proud to be a US based company that is part of its supply chain movement. Ryson wants to take a moment to thank our integrator partner Honeywell Intelligrated who is overseeing the implementation of this project and all other integrators and end users that are working hard to satisfy the need of their customer’s nationwide.

Check out more stories about shipping spirals on Ryson’s weekly news blog.