Ryson Service Team installs a mass flow spiralLast week, Marc, from our service team visited a Ryson Project site, where our Integrator partner KHS USA, had installed a case spiral and the spiral pictured here, our model 2300-500 Mass Flow Spiral.

This spiral declines empty glass beer bottles 10 feet from a high level bulk depalletizer down to the filler floor at a brewery. Marc was on site checking the integration of the spirals and training the operations and maintenance folks on the proper operation and care of our machines.

This mass flow spiral is handling empty glass bottles (12 and 24 ounce) at a rate of 1,440 bottles per minute, day in and day out.

This model is capable of handling full bottles and cans at rates in excess of 2,000 per minute and has a 20” wide slat surface. For more information on Ryson’s Mass Flow Spiral Conveyors, please visit www.ryson.com, or download the product literature.