Ryson Spiral Conveyors continue to grow in popularity. One reason is the advantages they have over conventional vertical case elevators. Many customers and integrators are looking to replace existing continuous vertical machines because of the cost and downtime to repair them after an indexing crash. They also have reliability issues and lack flexibility (with regard to case/minute rates and package size) and lack of modularity for field changes to adapt to changing line layouts.

Ryson Spiral Replaces Case Elevators
Ryson Spiral replaces an old Case Elevator (in the background) – an increasingly common scene.

The Vertical Conveying Concept that Ryson Spiral Conveyors provide is a much simpler and more reliable solution. They offer high throughput without complicated indexing controls at speeds up to 200 feet per minute. When replacing a case elevator with a spiral conveyor, there is no compromise on floor space (CVC’s require indexing conveyors at their infeeds). The Ryson proprietary modular design also allows for field modifications to adapt to changing line layouts.
Companies are moving towards the concept of lowering their cost of ownership, and the Ryson Spiral Conveyor does precisely that. Low maintenance, reliability and flexible modularity are a big reason Spiral Conveyors are replacing the Case Elevator. For more information on the Spiral Conveyor, visit www.ryson.com