Ryson Slat Conveyor can save on Installation and Energy Costs

Ryson Slat ConveyorThis week, we’re building a Model 500 S-Curve Slat conveyor for transporting cases in the distribution center of a major cosmetics company. They are using our unit in place of standard powered roller and belt conveyors in a tight area where the cases are being scanned. The orientation of the product passing the scanner is critical at the speed of 150 feet per minute and our overlapping slats provide that.
An additional benefit was lower implementation costs. The alternative to this design was our integration partner W & H systems specifying two v-belt curves and a belt conveyor between them for a total of (3) motors. Our single gearmotor is all that is required, reducing field wiring, installation and ongoing energy costs.

For more information on the Ryson Slat Conveyor, visit www.ryson.com