Ryson Honored with award from Hampton Mayor’s Committee


Ryson International, Inc. was honored with the Stephen T. Capo Employer Of The Year Award this year.

Ryson Receives Hampton Award
Annette Lyons, Ryson’s Supply Chain Manager Accepts the special award – Photography by Henry – Mattie and Henry Stovall

The award honors a local business that has done the most to enhance the employment of people with disabilities within the past year. Ryson  outsources certain assembly work to Eggleston Services, an organization that empowers people with disabilities to work.

Eggleston employees insert rubber friction inserts into the slats used in the Ryson Spiral Conveyors.  Almost all of the Eggleston employees have been trained to prep slats and 14,000 are assembled each week.

This year, Eggleston started the assembly of T-bolts and nut assemblies as well as chain bags which are used with service chain in the field. Eggleson employees have visited Ryson’s manufacturing site, to see how the carriers and slats fit into the incline conveyors.

It is a rewarding win-win opportunity and we look forward to contunuing this meaningful relationship. Visit Eggleston Services for more information on their valuable program. Visit www.ryson.com for more information on how our spirals are made in our manufacturing plant in Yorktown, Virginia.