Ryson Conveyor Replaces Gravity Spiral at Distribution Center


Ryson Spiral Conveyor replaces a gravity spiral to resolve operational, safety and product damage issues.

Ryson Spiral replaces -gravity chute
Before and After shot of replacing a Gravity Chute with a Ryson Spiral Conveyor – in less than 8 hours.

A beauty supply distribution center was encountering safety and operational issues with their gravity spiral. It was declining totes from the second level of a pick module. The speed of the totes increased and when they collided with the totes at the bottom, both totes and product would risk damage. When a train of totes were backed up at the gravity spiral’s discharge, the back pressure also prevented the totes from being pulled off the conveyor, reducing operational flexibility.

They contacted their systems integrator, Lift, Inc. of Bernville, Pennsylvania,  because they wanted to replace the existing gravity spiral with powered decline conveyor with a similarly small footprint. Lift called Ryson for the project.  A Ryson powered declining spiral conveyor, complete with self-contained controls was recently installed.

The spiral conveyor, with it’s on-board control panel was shipped totally pre-assembled. Ryson’s controls and manufacturing engineers worked closely with the Integrator and his client’s electrical staff because the system needed to be changed out in less than a day to minimally affect the distribution center’s production. In actuality, the new spiral was installed and running within 7 hours of the start of change-over!