Ryson as an Apollo Group Member Minimizes Supply Chain Disruption


One not-so-obvious benefit of Ryson being a member of Apollo Group is having worldwide access to materials, helping to minimize supply chain disruption.

Ryson Member of Apollo GroupThe worldwide group approach is tremendously beneficial – Especially since the pandemic has created supply chain disruption. Ryson has been very pro-active on procuring materials necessary to continue delivering our Spirals on time. For example, If a domestic resource is scarce, we have the infrastructure to get it from Europe or Asia instead.

From the beginning of Ryson we have always been a sister company with Apollo. We have pooled resources , engineering and manufacturing techniques. Additionally, we have essentially manufactured the same products on opposite sides of the pond. The only change with the acquisition is that it’s more of a parent – subsidiary relationship on a world-wide scale.

Henry Snippe, CFO | Claudia Van den Pol, CEO and Owner | Dave Wineman, President – Ryson International

Our new CEO and CFO are visiting Ryson Headquarters this month. Since our Acquisition in June, they have been unable to travel to visit with us because of Covid travel restrictions.  They were able to spend a good bit of November with us since the travel ban has been lifted.

Claudia Van den Pol, CEO and owner, and Henry Snippe, CFO, are very committed to letting Ryson run with no changes in operations and management. They oversee Ryson as the American member company that complete’s their world-wide coverage. The new Ryson President Dave Wineman has the leeway to run Ryson as we always have… An American Company.Apollo World Map - Minimize Supply Chain DisruptionApolloApollo Group Logo is headquartered in Holland, and have manufacturing, sales and service outlets in France, Spain, Germany, China, Thailand and India. And now in the US. All subsidiaries operate locally, with their own culture and brand. Together they make  Apollo Group. – A worldwide company that thinks globally and acts locally.