Ryson Multiple Infeed SpiralsThe Ryson Multiple Infeed Spirals allow loads to enter at several intermediate elevations, which saves floorspace. It is an ideal solution for a multi-tiered order picking operation.

Such a spiral was recently installed and integrated by our Integrator partner BoxLogix Automation. The Distribution Center relies on this spiral to take sealed cases picked from all three levels of the pick module out to a sorter and to the dock for shipment.

This HC1700-600 model, is 24 feet tall and runs at 120 FPM. Our proprietary  induction conveyors have adjustable belt segments that conform to the incline angle of the adjacent slats, offering a dependable transition of cases into the spiral.

The 3,600 lbs. capacity of the spiral allows the facility to easily handle cases that weigh up to 50 lbs. with throughputs exceeding 25 cases per minute. Read more stories about the Ryson Multiple Infeed Spirals.