Ryson Spiral Conveyor for Multiple Production Lines
Multiple entry spirals allow more than one production line to use a single spiral

Multiple Infeed Spirals Can Streamline Multiple Production Lines: Ryson has always been about saving space by elevating products in a smaller footprint than conventional methods. That’s been taken to a new level with our new multi-infeed spirals.

This week, we shipped two of our high capacity 400 spirals (16” wide slat surface) to a west coast food and beverage manufacturer, who utilized an over/under conveyor feeding the spirals at separate elevations. This design not only allows for one less spiral in each system, it also accommodated a more compact conveyor layout in the production area. The result is considerable savings in space and equipment cost.

A video factory acceptance test was performed for our integrator partners on this job: Nercon Engineering & Mfg. Co. of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. If you would like additional information on the Ryson Spiral Conveyors, or how our Multi-Infeed spiral can do the work of many, contact us, or visit our website: www.ryson.com.