This week, Ryson is exhibiting at Process Expo in Chicago. The convention is lively and well attended, and there has been much interest in our line of Bucket Elevators.
The main attraction of the show are the live production lines. Three times a day attendees can witness live demonstrations on the show floor. Three separate live production lines demonstrate the processes of producing and packaging bacon, empanadas, and pet treats. This allows visitors to see new equipment and technology at work first-hand.
In addition to the Bucket Elevator at our booth, we have one in the pet treat production line. A stainless steel Ryson Bucket Elevator conveys freeze dried treats to the top of the bagging machine. The line starts with raw ingredients and ends with palletized boxes of sealed bags.
Members of the Ryson Team, and all the other companies related to the line are on-hand to answer any questions during the demonstration.CRB, the project engineers for the Pet Food Line also made a nice animation of the production line. Check out the full animation on their website.
“At over $20B a year and growing, the Pet Treat segment offers tremendous opportunity for the industry,” said Patrick McGady, Chair of the FPSA Pet Foods Council and President of Handtmann USA. “That is why we build these production lines at PROCESS EXPO… As they are the perfect platform to highlight the latest advances in technology to food manufacturers… So they can improve their efficiencies and further strengthen the bottom line. In addition, this year’s line will feature an artificial intelligence component that will put more useful information in the hands of the user, enabling them to have a much better understanding of real time metrics to further maximize production.”
You can find out more information on our line of Bucket Elevators on our website, or read more application stories in our weekly news blog.