Fundamentals of Field Service Course at Ryson


PMMI Fundamentals of Field Service Course LogoThis week Ryson in conducting a two-day workshop on Fundamentals of Field Service. This is a brand new workshop developed and facilitated by PMMI. Good customer relationships are a win-win, and the effort we put into it has helped make Ryson an industry leader.

We put Customer Service as a top priority. While technical proficiency is inherent, there is much more to being a good field service representative.

Our field engineers and technicians spend a considerable time in front of our customers and are in fact the face of our company to many of our customers. Twelve of our employees are taking this workshop this week. Having the workshop in-house allowed us to tailor the training to our specific needs.

Fundamentals of Field Service Course
Ryson Staff performing situational role-play at the PMMI Fundamentals of Field Service Course

The 2-day workshop explores the non-technical knowledge and soft skills needed to be an excellent field service representative. Through demonstrations and role-play exercises the attendees are learning about:

  • Becoming a trusted advisor to our customers
  • Communicating with different levels of our customers’ organization
  • Customer service and relations
  • How to deal with challenging customers
  • Working conditions and safety
  • Travel tips and regulations
  • The importance of documenting service calls
  • Training Customers
  • Troubleshooting and new technologies

Rysons is an active member of the PMMI Organization and takes advantage of the many programs they offer to it’s members.

Our President and CEO, Ole Rygh, currently serves on the the PMMI board of directors and is a member of the strategic planning committee. He was also recognized at a recent Executive Leadership Conference for his service as the chairman of the PMMI Show Committee.

Dave Wineman, our Executive Vice President is also very active in the PMMI leadership and currently serves on the Industrial Relations Committee. Their mission is to “Promote the alignment of PMMI member companies and their customers by promoting Awareness, Adoption and Advocacy of cooperatively derived best practices solutions.

For more information on the PMMI U course offerings, visit You can also read more about our customer service department.