Ryson Factory Acceptance Tests
Factory Tests are performed, this one measuring motor heat and amperage over a 24 hour period

All Ryson Spirals are shop tested for approximately 8 hours prior to shipment. We also perform factory acceptance tests (FAT) upon request. The FATs varies in scope and length and we can even do a video FAT in case the customer elects not to be present.

In recent customer requested factory acceptance tests, three spirals were tested for safety and run for 24 hours, monitoring amperage, temperature and sound levels. The 2 HP motors measured an average of  1.8 amps, averages 101 degrees F and never exceeded 73 db. This data is indicative of a smooth, low friction machine that will aid in the over-all reduction in ownership costs.

There are several reasons Ryson Spiral Conveyors can reduce your total cost of ownership. The obvious ones are reducing space while increasing throughput. Ryson’s proprietary design also uses rolling friction which reduce wear, chain-pull, power requirements and maintenance. For more information on Ryson’s Vertical Conveying Solutions, visit www.ryson.com