Factory Acceptance Tests Always Welcome.


Spiral Conveyor Factory Acceptance Tests: Ryson International always welcomes our system integrators to bring their clients to our manufacturing plant to perform final inspections (FAT- Factory Acceptance Test). It is another step we take to ensure customer satisfaction and confidence in our product.

Spiral Conveyor Factory Acceptance Tests
Ryson Service Manager and Customer Look over a New Spiral Before Final Shipment

This week we hosted Kimberly-Clark for a pre-shipment inspection of two new spiral conveyors handling bundles of diapers. Ryson’s spiral lifts are perfectly suited to handle fragile packaging, but often the customer wants to see the handling first-hand with Spiral Conveyor Factory Acceptance Tests. The visit also allowed their engineer to inspect the spirals conveyors in operation, review our integration/installation guidelines, preventative maintenance procedures and to ensure our machines meet their requirements.

It was time well spent and we received the following feedback. “Thank you for hosting my Visit. I really appreciated the flexibility and hospitality of your team. The overall equipment design was very good and I can tell there is a high degree of commitment to customer service. I look forward to receiving the photos and temperature data. Please pass along my thanks and appreciation to the rest of the team.”