Celebrating 1 Year Anniversary as a Member of Royal Apollo Group


Ryson 1 Year AnniversaryOn July 1st, Ryson celebrated our 1 year anniversary as being part of the Royal Apollo Group.

Being a part of the Royal Apollo Group has had many benefits for us and our customers. It has allowed us to have a worldwide reach. Both in terms of customer sales, service and support, and access to materials and resources globally. It has really helped put us ahead of the curve with the supply chain issues we are all facing.

1 Year Anniversary Celebration with Apollo CEO

With that respect, we have been fortunate. Our delivery times have had to be pushed back, but we’ve never been at a standstill. That is due in large part to our European and Asian counterparts. Ryson took a few minutes off from building spirals and we had a little celebration with cake and patriotic donuts. Apollo CEO Claudia Van den Pol joined the party via video to congratulate us on our anniversary

This past weekend was of course the 4th of July Holiday here, so we had 2 big celebrations last week! We hope you all had a great holiday weekend.

You can also read more about the Royal Apollo Group, and find out more about Ryson.